EP.185 Be Clear On This ONE Thing Before You Start A Podcast

In this episode, Brian talks about the question he sees a lot on threads, which is whether or not to start a podcast. He shares his experience of starting multiple podcasts and emphasizes the importance of knowing your goal and intention before starting a podcast. Brian also discusses the benefits of repurposing podcast content and using it as a cornerstone for creating other forms of content. He highlights the authority and thought leadership that comes with having a podcast and the skills it helps develop, such as communication and speaking. The key takeaway is to be intentional with the strategy behind your podcast and use the content you create effectively.


  • Know your goal and intention before starting a podcast.
  • Repurpose podcast content to create other forms of content.
  • Having a podcast can establish authority and thought leadership.
  • Podcasting helps develop communication and speaking skills.
  • Be intentional with the strategy behind your podcast.


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