EP.182 Designing a Life Aligned with Your Personal Vision

In this episode, Brian O'Neill shares his insights and lessons learned from a two-week road trip with his family. He emphasizes the importance of having a personal vision and designing a life that aligns with it. Brian highlights the value of taking intentional breaks and fully checking out from work to create lasting memories with loved ones. He encourages listeners to prioritize experiences and relationships over material possessions. Brian also discusses the possibility of achieving a longer vacation and the importance of setting boundaries and expectations with clients and loved ones.


  • Having a personal vision is crucial for knowing what you want your life to look like and making decisions that align with it.
  • Taking intentional breaks and fully checking out from work allows for the creation of lasting memories with loved ones.
  • Experiences and relationships are more valuable than material possessions.
  • Setting boundaries and expectations with clients and loved ones is essential for achieving work-life balance.


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